A smashing day which had a somewhat unfortunate start in that I woke up very suddenly at 5.15 worrying about facts and figures and things not quite organised!!
Such as Christmas shopping, our monthly accounting and a list as long as two arms, of chores still to be organised and done before Christmas, notwithstanding the fact that I'm going away again to London tomorrow afternoon. This time I'll be supporting my daughter and my darling grandchildren while my son-in-law is away on business, and mostly doing the morning and afternoon nursery run, keeping things running smoothly for all the family and trying to sort out my blogging facility; making it more user-friendly, accessible, colourful and connective.
Wish me luck?
Now today, my sweet Sunday. After my too early wake-up, I returned to sleep-mode and enjoyed two peculiar dreams which, now I come to think of them, find they have simply evaporated from my mind! But let me assure you, they were very fascinating, while they ran amok through my sub-conscious entity!
Finally when I awoke at a sensible hour at 8.20 am, I catapulted myself into action because I'd promised to attend church in our previous home village a few miles away, and my hair had to be washed. Now I simply hate washing my hair because when I do, it often looks awful for a few days, nice for two days, and then it begins to look awful again and in dire need of more shampoo and conditioner, and to be dried, dressed and finished off! Phew!
So taking myself firmly in hand, I dived into the shower and did what was necessary and suddenly it was 9.20 am and I needed to get going; and rather surprisingly, to me at any rate, I thought I looked quite presentable!!
And I did get to church on time, and the Service was very enjoyable, and I was very pleased to be in church.
It's something I do because I like to do it, and I'm telling you that I go to church, because that's what I like to do, in my life. I truly believe ones religious identity is a personal and innermost conscious decision, based on family background, history and connections with the world one has been immersed in since birth. It's an own fact and that's that.
After church I called on friends to deliver a birthday present and stayed for breakfast with them - mmmmm lovely hot porridge and coffee and much good chatting and laughter; plus an invitation to their grandson's third birthday tea party later on, which was most agreeable. Now I'm really being very careful NOT to eat too much, and certainly no chocolate or cake, before Christmas time, you know, to give myself a little breathing space before the glory of the season's festive food bursts upon us all, and we surrender to its potent persuasion!
Dashing home to carry on with my determined efforts to sort out my boxed possessions brought out of our store place yesterday, I managed to do some good work before changing and hurrying off with Alice, much to her absolute delight, to rejoin my friends and their family. And I decided to wear a new skirt, just to remind myself and everyone else, that I do indeed have legs; for you see, I am now so very often in trousers, one does sort of forget about ones legs, clad in a variety of different fabrics, even jeans, and totally hidden from view!!
Well, the tea, party was a delight and we gave the birthday boy a teddy bear and to his new baby twin sisters, each one a teddy bear; one called Marmaduke and the other, Henry. Now all these bears had originally belonged to me and won at festive work functions and had languished, until recently, in store boxes with my other belongings, whilst we searched, bought and renovated our new home. And regretfully I decided that I really must find new homes for my lovely bears because they totally deserved to be cherished and loved by new owners. It's as if I'm almost becoming a a recycling-bear facility, for I've already given two bears to new homes, and I still have another two bears to give away. One is going to my youngest grandson, and then I'll have just one more to give to another new owner. I just seem to collect teddy bears somehow, don't you?
Well we stayed rather longer than intended, for I was allowed to feed one of the twins, and oh my goodness, they are absolutely perfect in every way, and utterly adorable. Tearing ourselves away, we arrived home with time to continue my box sort out, walk Alice, sample a smashing home-made vegetarian Lasagne made by the dear SO's son, do my accounting and....write up my busy day's activities!!
And now it's bedtime....goodnight,
PS - in my younger days, I was always in frocks, and often Laura Ashley, which was so very nice.
And going out without having eaten breakfast....well, there simply wasn't time to eat anything at all, which is not a thing I usually allow to happen. But, well, today, it did just happen!
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