Saturday, 22 December 2012

Don't you just love...........?

shopping, especially with your best loyalty card?  This was me today, shopping in Sainsbury's, for our Christmas food; buying the favourite pickled walnuts, crisps and snacks, mince pies and Battenberg cake.

And onto Boots the chemists, for holiday bits and pieces for my sponge bag and a bright pink shower cap, just for fun.  Then onto Cargo Home Stores for some special fun Christmas presents and....did you guess, they presented me with their loyalty card; what points will I get from my purchases in 2013?

A neat and tidy house, with knick-knacks under control, everything in its place and a place for everything to be stored in?

My shopping trip  also garnered wicker laundry baskets, two plastic laundry tubs, a towel rail and a wall storage unit for the bathroom and some rather cute hooks and decorative heart shapes for the kitchen.

I had hoped to buy new net curtains for the sitting room but I simply ran out of time but managed to find a new bright red dustpan and brush which I hope will be more efficient than the one we already had, which annoyingly, allowed dust particles to escape and remain on the floor!

Housework - a necessary chore we can never escape, so good tools are essential.

A few Christmas cards to hand deliver, then home to wrap up the last presents, supper with TV and then preparations for going away for Christmas with my daughter and her lovely family.


And tomorrow a family party on my way to's going to be a busy day.  Rain is forecast, and heavy in the West Country and elsewhere,  and folk are being warned about unnecessary travel, so things could be difficult for many,  Hopefully my drive will be OK but I'll take a flask of hot coffee and things like my torch, a small rug and boots, just in case of problems; you know, just in case of an emergency.  You can never tell what might occur?

And I must take my computer and camera, the turkey and lamb joint, fresh country eggs and, oh joy, my special treat - Croissants for holiday breakfasts!!!

Hey ho, bedtime I think???

Daisy xxx

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