Saturday, 8 December 2012

Friday again...

Another week almost done and everyone's looking forward to the weekend.  I've loved being in London with my family, and taking care of my youngest grandchild has been pure joy.  Poor little darling still has conjunctivitis so his mummy and daddy will take him to their local walk-in surgery tomorrow morning, for he should be better by now.   It's so contagious and thus so easily spread from one eye to the other eye; it's a real problem for little ones who simply hate having their eyes washed out, and drops are a perfect nightmare for them.

And snow this week, the first of the season for London but none in Oxfordshire the other day; in fact they had a bright crisp and sunny day.

It's raining right now and windy but we're going out for a little walk soon for I simply have to get out for some exercise, and my little grandson is cooing to himself in his cot which is a good sign.  He's slept for about an hour in the mornings until today, so I think he is getting better, hurrah!

I shall go home this evening for tomorrow morning there's more clearing out of our store unit to be done.  We still have many boxes and books to bring home, plus my Welsh dresser and even more clothes, which I really need to have with me.

Doesn't it take simply ages to get oneself organised and properly set-up in a new home?  Hopefully by next weekend I shall be more at home with myself??

And as Christmas is almost upon us, that's a good idea, hey?  Of course, the trouble with getting most presents wrapped up in November somehow makes it harder to get on with the second wave, and the cards too, which often get left until it's almost too late for them to reach their destination before Christmas Eve.  It's puzzling, like living near somewhere, yet always being late!

Now it's Saturday morning, I'm back home, having driven back last night; but I nearly didn't, and this Post has not been published?  And Friday has whizzed past.  It was a lovely busy day, looking after my youngest grandson, taking him to see the family doctor and playing with him in the afternoon; after lunch and his post-nap snooze.  Then I finally decided I must  drive home rather than Saturday morning, for there are many things to do this weekend - more settling in, you understand.  The drive home would be exciting for I'm still new to London driving, and it's like a new experience every drive; the journey is never the same, and I do so love driving! It's sooooooo thrilling and I have masses of opportunities to catch up with.  My only worry about going was getting my car out of the wonderfully small space my dear son-in-law had manoeuvred my Mazda into earlier in the week, and he was off to a post-work leaving-do  Now I am getting better at this parking lark but the only empty space opposite their house was, to my way of thinking, just a little too small and frankly I was scared stiff of bumping into the cars in front and behind of me as I endeavoured to fit into the available space.  So what did I do, well I chickened-out and my dear son-in-law parked for me?  A brilliant solution it was, until of course, I had to leave!!

In the end, it was not a problem driving away, for the owner of the car that had been in front, had obviously decided he needed to be elsewhere, and his removal left a few more inches for me to use and, hey presto, I was able to extricate myself, all by myself!  And the homeward journey was perfectly trouble-free, if a little windy in places which caused me to slow down, for my little car very easily and freely moves sideways in the wake of a good stiff wind.  Ah well, I like to vary my speed and to move across into the slowest lane for a while is very conducive to my peace of mind.  I do like speed driving but being a fairly new driver, I'm very conscious of the effect this forward motion has on me!

So here I am, at my keyboard again, and eating my breakfast with regular milk instead of my lacto-free milk which, in the rush to leave London, I left behind.  Bother, must go shopping after we've gone to the auction where I'm hoping to find a shelf unit or small coffee table.

And the ironing needs doing!!!

ps have you seen my extra pages?

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