Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Life Thoughts!

"Communication is a passion - by people, for people, of people.  No communication, no connection, no life...Communicate or fade away....."

"A cheery hello brings out the sunshine - so, how much more warmth from ... a conversation, a video, a blog, a telephone call, a letter, an article, even a book....whatever.  We were meant to connect so communicate....make your life bright, warm, amusing and meaningful, and love your life...."

My recent thinking...!

I've only just realised how long it's been since last I wrote to you!  It's a staggering  twenty days and the tragic reason for this long absence of words has been me and my state of being!!!

I'm something of a workaholic who loves to get things done.  It's just in my nature and a facet which has been nourished for years now, by me.  It's a long-standing family joke that I keep myself busy to avoid thought.  You know, that sort of thought which can bug you, morning 'til night time; the kind of thinking and thought that's just lodged in your head, which swirls about, keeping your subconscious busy, even when you're asleep.

It's there the moment you wake up, eats breakfast, coffee, lunch, tea and dinner with you, and often ruins your every waking moment.  So, the busyness has a purpose!  

Of course, busyness also comes from the realisation of the actuality of work.  The chores, tasks and needs which must be taken care of, in every walk of life and situation.  They seem to come with the territory you personally own or dwell in.  The responsibilities which come from being a human being.

Of course, you can look the other way, thinking to let a chore become somebody else's responsibility.  This works perfectly well for some and, for others, it's like a red rag to a bull. However, it's futile being cross, mostly, for generally speaking, crossness or anger, at another's neglect or carelessness, is normally felt by the holder and not the recipient, unless that same holder patiently or angrily conveys that emotion to the intended personality.  Yes, you can blow your top at another, wring your hands, lament ingratitude or indolence and, sometimes, it is indeed, a very good thing to do, to clear the air and reach across the chasm of your feelings and reveal to another the depth of bad feelings you harbour because of that person's lack of perception.  Sometimes it even works and both they, and you, emerge from the whole experience with a happier and more positive sense of self.

On the other hand, busyness often just stems the flow of bad feelings and remembrances of an earlier day or time from your own past, when making yourself actively busy could lead to a temporary termination of the turmoil within your own self.  And, at times it works.  Oh boy, do I know, and I do like to appreciate an experience before attempting to write about a thing.

The other aspect of perpetual busyness is the connection between living to work or working to live or,  the work-life balance ratio question, which fills many a magazine or newspaper article.  Mankind often does and, quite frequently, is made to work far too many long hours beyond what is considered reasonable and practicable. Overtime work may seem the key to a higher earning capacity, the better wage packet, the light at the end of a very long work-tunnel; even tunnel vision, viewed inadvisedly!

So, I've just been doing too many hours at my computer.  Too many long daylight hours awake.  Too many late nights and early morning rises, to get back to the job in hand.  The end result of which has been two weeks of almost non-writing ability and a draining away of that tender human aspect, confidence.

Plus, of course, aches and headaches, and almost the beginnings of a cold - thank goodness - avoided like the plague eventually.

So two weeks lying low plus this last week, trying to sort out the muddle of inactivity and self-inflicted apathy, and here I am, catching up with myself and you too, dear reader.

It is the winter season, of course, and aren't we all still recovering from the over-eat / over-spend awful deliciousness of that mid-winter festival of Christmas!  Being a working cook, the Christmas season has always prompted and produced ill-health and colds and 'flu, and I guess I'm still as prone to that as anybody, working or otherwise, because of course, we all expect too much of ourselves for this period of jollity and good seasoning, we all indulge in!!!

However, we shall all soon be feeling much more confident, for we've had the worst day of the year ie Monday, 20th January, so adjudged for its penetrating doom.  The nights are drawing out and, although we still have the month of February to work thru' and, we could still have snow or, more snow, if you dear reader, live somewhere where snowfall is a regular winter hazard (and perhaps delight), thoughts of springtime are surely, somewhere just around the corner, and holiday company's are selling us golden beaches, wide-open blue skies and sunny climes, elsewhere, aren't they?

You see, we're already, all of us, feeling better already, aren't you?  Hey!

And so am I, and work, well the condition of work and its availability, is always there and I guess the problem of over-working is just something - a problem - which all of us must constantly be on our guard against.  And....for when constant activity and work-indulgence brings great financial reward, personal achievement and feelings of self-contentment.....I guess that's one of the highs of life we all enjoy at times.

Ah ha, I hear myself think.  It's all a matter of balance which, as I'm often thinking and talking about, is probably one of the hardest human conditions to achieve, maintain and retain.  Now that really is an activity we may all pursue to our utmost for, ultimately, it is for our betterment and feelings of self-worth which must, surely, be of good use to all mankind, and to each and everyone of us.

Happy balancing everybody!


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