Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Celebration Big Lunch - Bring and Share Event - Sunday, 31st May 2015 - St. Mary's Church, Adderbury

 The Celebration Big Lunch was an idea of the Eden Project in 2009 to gather people together in a sharing occasion to meet and greet old and new friends and neighbours over a shared lunch time event following the Sunday Morning Service. 

In 2012 when Adderbury joined in, a  huge number of people gathered together in a celebration of togetherness and we at Adderbury were 230 in number for our joint Bring and Share lunch, with people providing favourite dishes.  A lovely variety of home-made delicious food was spread before us with wine and even more delicious puddings to follow for a really super event.

Also in this year of 2015 HM Queen Elizabeth 11 will become our country's longest serving sovereign which fact was also celebrated when we gathered together in St. Mary's Church after Morning Service when a very jolly time was had by all.

We came with good friends enjoying their company with friends and neighbours with the good opportunity of connecting with people you really needed to talk to.

Stephen our Vicar gave us a very good Morning Service encouraging our endeavours towards friendly connections and good conversation with friends, neighbours and those relatively unknown to us which evidently worked very well indeed, for the roof could have been raised with the energy and warmth of shared conviviality that took hold of our community that sunny Sunday morning at the end of May 2015.

I hope we will have another such lunch celebration next year or at least for the following year for it was a great occasion for a splendid lunch and much friendly chatter which all enjoyed and remarked upon.

Here are my photos of the occasion....

I do regret that rather sorry state of my material but that's the best which can be done at the moment and having become rather delayed in posting this report of a smashing occasion I hope my dear readers will accept this presentation......and I might just add we enjoyed both gluten-free and regular food which was just great, hey!!!

Daisy xxx

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