Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Ah ha, a kitchen upgrade....

For the last year we have been cooking with a friend's pressure cooker and loving the fact that meals, and very nice ones, could be produced in double quick time and with very little fuss!

So, with our new home, we decided we simply must have a pressure cooker for ourselves!  And we went to buy one at our local auction sale, and we nearly got it, too, but then, at the last minute, we were out-bid!  Ah the acute sense of deprivation, as somebody else carried away our promised salvation.

Now I truly love to cook and I really have to tell you,  my dear SO is extremely good at producing a very decent meal, and both of us are happy in the kitchen and with the clearing up.  But.....and it's a very big but, with Him re-doing our new property and me assisting, but also wanting to get on with my own work...the writing and blogging, walking Alice, my family history research, my own lovely children and their children....well, as you can see, there really isn't much time for cooking.

There is an  alternative plan, of course, which is to eat out all the time..but.nope, that's just too expensive, and quite frankly, there's not enough reasonably priced restaurants round-about to visit on a regular time-scale, with sufficient date-intervals for menu variety.  And lets face it, sometimes you don't want to eat out, let alone go out; I mean, isn't it lovely sometimes just to curl up on your sofa, having eating a smashing and tasty home-cooked meal, and watch your favourite TV programme, or read your latest book?

We have another difficulty in common, and where food is concerned, which is that we are both almost biologically incapable of cooking just enough for one meal at a time.  I've always produced too much cooked food, even when a professional chef, so I could always feed however many hungry people we numbered that day.  And as for the dear SO, he is totally and utterly and completely bad at only cooking for those present for any meal.

You can tell, I'm quite sure, where this is all leading us too, hey?  Well, of course, we very quickly got used to eating comforting and enormous meals, and particularly when I arrived home in my British Green Mazda, stressed and tired, and having cooked for others all day, and finding I was tremendously famished and desirous of  eating every tasty morsel put before me.

So we had a three-fold problem on our hands.  We needed to cook but eat less, needing to cook and freeze the extra portions, for the saving of time and for the sake of our, sadly, increasing waistlines, and wanting to spend more time on our own particular jobs and interests, yet needing to have good food ready to hand, so that we didn't have to make too many supermarket dashes to pick up ready prepared food, just longing to be microwaved and consumed.

Do you know, I even sent for Delia Smith's "One Is Fun" to help me cook less; but the realisation quickly dawned, that we could continue to cook our larger meals, in less time, with a pressure cooker, and by spreading the total amount over more than one meal, having the added advantage of filling several small containers to feed our empty freezer, and our future hungry selves?.

We shall use Delia's splendid book, for variety and diversion, and the new cream lidded casserole I bought Him for Christmas, but our new Prestige Pressure Cooker will reign supreme for some considerable time to come; and that will be sweet bliss!!

Plenty of good food to hand, without the constant cooking or the tempting lefts-overs, just longing to be gobbled up in times of stress or greed!!

Happy living dear reader - Daisy xxx

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