Friday, 23 November 2012

New beginnings with love

Yesterday twin baby girls were born to the family and today they were taken home by their Mama and Papa and their big brother and I was there to see them on their way home.  They were squeaking a little  bit and their Mama couldn't wait to get them home to bed and to rest as well, but it was so lovely to see them and now I can't wait to hold them.  Perfect, just perfect.

And for our new beginnings at home - today the dear SO cooked his first roast lamb joint in our new kitchen.  His roast potatoes are absolutely wicked and oh boy, does he cooks a mean roast dinner.

All my Christmas presents have been posted off to Australia, the last one went today, and I'm just wrapping up the last home presents this evening - hmmmmm!  It's not my usual method, getting everything done so early, apart from the posting parcels, but, and but again, this year there's a few other things to be getting on with.  I mean to say, we're down sizing, moving into this new property; I expect you realised that and frankly, it's every bit as hard as I knew it would be.

We all buy the things we see and want, those little knick-knacks we earnestly desire the moment we spy them on a store shelf, not to mention the magazines we all drawl over.  Yet not only do we buy these things because of a want, but also because of our  experience of  a deep seated  need to buy and possess all kinds of objects, clothes, books, to antiques , jewellery...well, whatever really.  I mean whatever takes our fancy...don't you think?  And quite often we spend considerable amounts of cash buying these yearned for delights, the likes of which are absolutely guaranteed to make our lives perfect in every way, or so we totally convince ourselves?

And yet, and yet, sooner or later our hoard of utterly unliveable-without possessions gang-up on us, turn the table, so to speak, and possess us.  By the time we realise this attachment, we're hooked, line and sinker, and the very thought of dispossessing ourselves, their tentacled grip is virtually impossible to ease; and of course, there's that valley of sadness  engulfing one at the veriest mention of the words "clear out" and "recycling bins".

For years now I've been endeavouring to build a wall of possessions about me to protect me against the winds of aloneness, self-determinism and "I can-buy-so-why-not" bravado, with my children looking on and urging restraint, throw-away remarks and constant encouragement along the lines "you'll feel so much better and lighter without all these things clogging up your life!"  I did eventually manage a few good attempts to de-clutter my life and persevered beyond their wildest imaginings.  But now it's come to a point where I simply have to de-clutter all over again, and it's a very difficult learning curve to climb.

Today, however, a dear girlfriend told me an amazing thing.  She had just built five large mountains of precious possessions and arranged for their removal, and now she's contemplating relieving herself of even more clutter.  And this dear lady has, in a full and resourceful life, managed to amass an enormous amount of cherished possessions - clothes, shoes, handbags, china, books, videos and knick-knacks + more and more!.  Yet she has done something quite exceptional believe me, so...if she can, then so can I, if I really have to; and I do believe this is the time to go forward with bright confidence and begin to re-energise my capabilities and offload some or all, of my mostly unused possessions, while the spirit is willing within.

I bet you'd agree if you could, hey???

And it's never too late is it?  Tomorrow is just a few short hours away and, after I've walked Alice and checked my emails and Facebook page, I think I'll retire for the night and have another new beginnings day tomorrow and take it from there!  I mean, who knows how far I'll get on with determination, bravado and
a good strong breeze behind me.

I'll keep you posted........Daisy x

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