Thursday, 24 October 2013

A week of Wales - Monday, 30th September - Sunday 6th October, 2013.

I began my week buying a new preserving pan, as my own pan, somehow, became lost.  I'd gone into Brecon to visit the Hours Cafe and book shop, to use their free wi-fi service enjoyed with a latte but, they were closed, oh dear, what a disappointment.

Dash home to walk Alice and continue with my diary, and fiddle, as you do, and then get on with supper.  We're having grilled pork chops, dressed with my apple-mustard sauce, before going under the grill, with the underneath side treated similarly before coming into contact with the heat.  When cooked, the chop fat has become nicely charred and the flavour is great.  With this, veggies and pots.
Rather good!

And broad beans with tomato & cheese sauce & creamed swede!

On Tuesday, for lunch, a Polenta Bacon and Egg stack, mmmm very good!

For supper our "poor-man's" supper of re-hashed tough beef and left-over veggies; at least Alice liked our supper!

On Wednesday, the Hours Cafe was open so I had a delicious tuna salad plus a bowl of
my favourite Latte..
Tuna Salad and Latte
 Glorious Olives!!!

For supper, we had a a slow-cooked gammon shank, cheap and economical, but tasty dish with veg. and the left-over meat was "souped" into another dish for a quick lunch for Thursday...

On Thursday, I made up my version of a Jamie Oliver recipe for an Italian salad with bread, which was rather good, and the fact that the bread used was not gluten-free presented no dietary problem and used up that stale bread, which might have been wasted!

On Friday, we ate very sparingly, for tomorrow we go to the Brecon Food Festival where we're expecting to sample and enjoy much food on display in the town's Market Hall, buy delicious foods proffered by the many talented food producers and have lunch in a favourite easy eaterie!!!

We're not only eating, but  blogging and writing,  walking Alice and the dear SO is busy with various "own" projects, so a busy week for both of us, which is highly enjoyable.

Can't wait for Brecon's Food Festival!!



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