Tuesday, 15 October 2013

A Misty-Moisty-Morning - Tuesday, 24th September, 2013.

We could see only as far as the garden trees and hedge, for the world was covered by a deep and gently swirling layer of mist, and we were surrounded.

I tried to write up yesterday's work, but my computer was having none of this, so I did my accounts for a while, and then got back to my typing working until about 10am.

Then booted and hatted, I was in the garden, collecting the apples from the grass, throwing those beyond saving into the compost bin, and managing to find some that were fit for cooking.  Garotta is good to throw between layers of compost-able material as it helps to speed up the breakdown.

Alice and I go up the track for our morning walk, stumbling over the small stones and rocks, but enjoying the sense of freedom of the walk and Alice is bounding ahead of me, then racing back!  I bring back some kindling and  arrive home wet and slightly out-of-breath!  Alice is soaked thru'!

The dear SO is chatting to a  passing farmer about the weather and local matters, and then is off  to check on the state of his hedges, for it's that time of year when things need to be made safe and tidy, before the winter storms descend.

Hedges need regular pruning for otherwise top-growth  become Triffid-like, waving about over car and tractor alike, some even meeting overhead and forming a green tunnel; fun for visiting tourists but  a nuisance for busy residents.

A hedge trimmer, supported on a tractor, operates as a strimmer does, with sharp whirling knives cutting off the unwanted growth.  The process leaves a very neat and smooth-front and top surface area, daylight floods in to the narrowest of lanes and everything is tidied up.

The trimmed material does tend to gather about the ground, and often is a great nuisance to drivers fearful for the state of their wheels, but the rain eventually washes the greenery away so the nuisance doesn't last for too long.

For lunch He had a BLT and I made a salad of broad beans, potatoes, lettuce and my chard pesto, using up last night's left-over veggies; having porridge for breakfast keeps me going through  the day!

Reading, computer things and blogging for a while and then off to the library to print off my work which was slightly bedevilled, because I'd forgotten how their system worked, and time was running out, so not a lot achieved.  And then I wanted to buy a gardening book from their sale but had no small change with me, and as they were just about to close,  had to leave the book for another day!

Back home to prepare supper, which we ate before watching New Tricks on TV, and then the joy of masses of hot water, heated up via the kitchen range fire; and sawing up logs for this is a holiday chore that we're happy to do - a happy holiday activity!



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