Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Pedometer and away.....

So yesterday Daisy bought her pedometer.  It's not the first she's bought but hopefully the last, as this time she'll be making trebly sure she knows how it works, and more tellingly, how to make it work.

She couldn't find any light walking shoes so she's sticking with her older ones, until she finds out far she's going to take this extra walking!

So apart from the usual doggie walk yesterday afternoon, Daisy also made a 30-minute walk which notched up 3900 steps, which was rather good.  Now for the next three days, Daisy has to amalgamate all three-day's total step count and then divide by three to find out her baseline walk count.  Less than 5,000 steps per day defines a sedentary lifestyle.  Apparently the goal is to reach 7,500+ daily steps.  So, ho ho, to that!!

It's a grey old day out there and before another walk time, Daisy must sort out some accounting, and a little paperwork, before lunch time.

For now, it's coffee and calculator time, and she'll let you know later on, how the rest of her day has gone.

Daisy xxx

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