Friday, 6 July 2012

Only 7891 steps yesterday!

Daisy had a basket of ironing to do yesterday, but walked with the dogs several times, but probably  not quite long enough.

A visit to the vet was necessary for Alice, who has been found to have a few lumps which needed to be investigated; and now we're waiting on the vet for test results from samples taken during her inspection.

And a spell of baby sitting during the wedding rehearsal.   Baby slept beautifully so Daisy was able to indulge in a spot of ER and then an episode of Dr. Who.......isn't Sky great!!!

And as supper had to be late, we watched  Country House Rescue as we ate, and Daisy was not impressed with the attitude of the incumbents.  Such a splendid house......

So today, Daisy has already done 2800 steps, which is a good start.  However, it was a very wet walk and no doubt the dogs will only just dry off before the next one!  But hey ho, it's only rain and better rain here today than tomorrow, for the wedding day.  Perhaps if it rains enough today, it just might be less rain tomorrow? 

"One can hope, can't one?" Daisy asks!!

Mind you, we really don't want too much rain this afternoon, either, for Andy Murry is playing this afternoon, and it would be just fine and dandy for him to win again today!!!!


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