I've been baking cakes, making soups and more-ish dinners and scrummy puddings.
Just love cooking and feeding my family and friends and now re-discovering the joy of creating nice food for all occasions.
Watch this space .............
Just a few weeks ago, I really couldn't bear to cook but then, we had just moved into our new home, and the place was full of boxes full of things and books and china and goodness knows what else, all wanting and needing to be rediscovered and displayed and experienced all over again...so there really wasn't much time or enthusiasm left over for food, which a girlfriend of mine was absolutely shocked by, for she's seen me cooking for hours and loving every minute, even the clearing up!!
Actually, after my divorce, now many years ago, I also experienced a similar disinclination to cook, but I guess that's just par for the course, hey?
Then the dear SO has been unwell and sleeping badly and me too, so it's really not surprising that I was wilting at the mere suggestion of cooking anything other than water and toast or baked beans!
And anyway, didn't I have my jars of turkey comfit and rice cakes to eat for lunch, jacket potatoes with salad for supper and, for my favourite meal of the day - breakfast - gluten-free cereal and lactose free milk plus blueberries or bananas to devour. I hardly needed to cook at all!!!
My piano lessons continue apace and I must say the note reading is becoming easier, thank goodness, for I've always been terrified by music's strange symbols and squiggles,, and past attempts to join a choir have always been totally frustrated by my lack of theoretical understanding. The glares I've received from ardent members has been amusing!
Now,I shall be away next week with my daughter and grandchildren, so busy with them and also, hopefully, out and about if the weather is good and if not, then somewhere warm and cosy, for me to sit and read. I have several works to read up for the book club and my Christmas books are anxiously awaiting my attention.
Alice is demanding a walk...cheerio
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