It's not a pretty set-up as yet, just a corner shelf running along connecting walls, on which I've quickly dumped some box files, a basket, a small Elizabeth Arden make-up case and two small coloured filing trays, but it's a start.
Each container bears a labelled legend stating what it contains and you know, I'm so pleased to be able to use these labels, for I've been storing them now for a long time, since being given them at least ten years ago, so hey ho, I'm using antique labels. How about that?
And my new bookcase now holds more books and box files, diaries and day books, family history folders and cookery books.
I've undressed the Christmas tree and put the Christmas cards and lists and letters into a yellow box file, and found more of my CD's; but I'm still missing others and, for the moment, I cannot think where the rest of my music could possibly be?
And I'm desperate to locate a Van Morrison CD; you see, I put it somewhere safe, BUT where??
Why do things become lost, I mean what is it that we do to lose things we treasure? Are we careless, forgetful or just plain silly, so that we cannot keep track of our possessions, even when we really endeavour to do so? I'm not sure what it is we do, or don't do, but I should love to know how to stop losing things, hey?
Yet there'll be no shelving of responsibilities, and I'll go on boxing and labelling and sorting, keeping diaries and day books, and making lists of all my possessions and finally, draw everything together, and.....well, we'll see, shall we?
Don't you think that could be an excellent thing to do, you know, make a positive life collection of detail and pictures, and give it to yourself as a very special birthday or Christmas present and then share it with your loved ones?
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