Sunday, 14 October 2012

I only went in for ....

one or two things such as chipolatas, good pork ones to go with the roast partridge and some red current jelly, and dog food for Alice, yet I ended up with two huge carrier bags full to the brim with all sorts of goodies.  Only I couldn't find red current jelly and bought Cumberland Sauce instead.

But let me explain, and then you'll understand.  You see yesterday, my sister, gave me two brace of partridge and  I thought, as you do, oh goody, we'll have ourselves a smashing game supper for Sunday evening, before Downton Abbey.

So I wrapped the birds in bacon and placed them gently on a bed of mixed vegetables and sliced red onions, over which  I poured some very hot stock, before placing the roasting tray in a prepared oven and set the timer for a good 45 minutes.

Of course, I did cheat a little by buying frozen croquette potatoes, and lovely sweet parsnips, but I redeemed myself slightly by chopping up a whole Sweetheart cabbage and thickly slicing some fresh carrots.  And to the gravy I added a generous teaspoonful of Cumberland Sauce, a beautifully silky smooth dark rich sauce.

The partridge actually cooked for a little longer than 45 minutes but they were still OK, thank goodness, and the potato croquettes were scrummy.  We also enjoyed some pickled red cabbage and a jar of delicious quince jelly.

I just so love quinces, English quinces, that is, of course.  I guess the Spanish quince has its charms and admirers but I find they have a very cotton-woolly texture and are almost quite without that wonderfully potent aroma of the English quince.  Just try leaving one quince on a table in a warm but cooling closed kitchen overnight and find yourself quite entranced by the delicious scent that assails your  nostrils as you open your kitchen door next morning - divine!

Another amazing aroma comes from a hyacinth plant left overnight in a closed living room, or's utterly dreamy and you're quite knocked out by the plant's perfume.  I know I always am.

Well, I must say, Downton Abbey was rather shocking tonight and we're all terribly saddened by what weas just too awful.

Its back to painting tomorrow and then my book club and then painting madly for the rest of the week so that the carpets can be laid on the following Monday.

And my goodness, they tell me Christmas is only a few weeks away.  Oh my gosh, how time flys by when you're busy doing things!


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