Monday, 27 August 2012

Another wet and dull August Bank Holiday!!!

And we went to the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre at Quainton and despite the rain, and the cold and the morning's lack of sunshine, we had a very jolly time.

It helps if you're keen on old railways and like riding  about on shabbily-romantic steam trains; and luckily we do.  I even remember travelling on them at a rather earlier stage of things  We trained to Aylesbury on a Special heritage diesel train and then came back, and the returning coaches were packed solid with ardent enthusiasts, young and old, and the frankly curious.  And one of our party exclaimed that he'd not visited the station for some fifty-odd years, so he took some photos for the album and nearly lost his seat in the process.

Back at Quainton and lunch in a building that had originally graced Oxford Rewley station, which somehow had become transferred to its present position, and been saved for posterity into the bargain.

The day's attractions also included vintage cars, ancient bicycles and their fans dressed to kill in period costume, and a Penny-farthing model which somebody was having great fun riding.  They also had a velocipede, a very early type of bicycle, which the rider propel forwards with his feet firmly scooting along on the ground, and his body prone against its middle structure.  It looked fun but not a machine for me, and I bet it wasn't ridden by females of any sort when it was introduced to the world at large.  It must have caused quite a stir?

Then the museum attractions, fun and games in the engine shed with signals and talking boxes highlighting the work and voice of early railway workers and a passing moment listening to the huge organ playing a very well-known tune, the name of which we could not recall?

By this time the sun was brightly shining, the skies had cleared and we were leaving to visit the local church to inspect the ancient gravestones and the graves of some folks known to friends of ours.  The churchyard has a wonderful scenic view of the surrounding countryside which two elderly villagers were ardently enjoying, despite the cool breeze that was just beginning to bite.

We left them to gather themselves together for their walk home as we went to see the church's interior, before we too made ready to go home.

It was a very good day, which even the rainy journey home, could not spoil.

I do so love our Bank Holiday outings!!



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