Friday, 29 June 2012

Friday morning rain.......!

Here we are, at the  beginning of the last day of the week, and we're looking forward to a family weekend.  We're meeing up for a get-together reunion for my son and daughter-in-law, back home  for a  family holiday visit to England from their home in Australia, and it's lovely to have them with us for a brief time.   We've been planning our  bbq  for the last few months,  hoping the weather would be kind to us, and looking forward to the occasion.

I've bought a new bbq;we have a lovely garden setting for our gathering, and the family are coming, all bringing a variety of delicious  contributions to our feast, and we will have a super time, one way or the other.

Today, of course, we're busy tidying up, hoovering the house and removing the cobwebbs, so the rain won't  be too much of a nuisance.  We're hoping today is the dress-rehearsal for our weekend, and  that  tomorrow, everything, including the weather, will be fine?

Let's hope so, for everybody?

Happy weekend everybody and enjoy whatever it is you are planning to do, no matter what weather befalls you!!!


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